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Workshops & Events

Discover Transformative Pilates Experiences

We update our events frequently so be sure to come back and see what's new!

4-Week Beginner Reformer Series

Mondays, April 29th - May 20th | 6:30PM

Instructor: Rochelle

Pricing: $100

Join our 4-week reformer series and master the foundations of Pilates!

Throughout this series, you'll develop a solid foundation in the basic movements of the Pilates Reformer machine, equipping you to confidently participate in any weekly class. 

Please Note: Please note that there are no returns, refunds, or credits for missed classes in this series. 

“Put a Spring In Your Step”

Saturday, May 4th | 1:00-3:00PM

Instructor: Lee

Pricing: $45

This workshop is for those who are curious how Reformer spring tensions work and how they can change any exercise. The spring tension can do the following:

  1. Change the focus of the exercise,

  2. Change which muscles will fire,

  3. Make an exercise more or less challenging

  4. Be adjusted if you have an injury or weaker side

This workshop will include warmup exercises and then lots of time to play, feel and experiment in your own body!

Restorative Yoga

Sunday, May 12th | 4:00-5:30PM

Instructor: Lee

Pricing: $20 or Punchcard

Mother's Day Rest and Rejuvenate 

Restorative Yoga is a deeply relaxing practice, allowing the muscles to remain quiet as relaxation is invited into the tissues of the body. The use of props including bolsters, blocks, and blankets will support the body as you rest, restore, and reset your central nervous system.

Please sign up ahead with your own account. Space is limited.

Open Reformer Practice

Saturday, May 18th | 1:00-2:00PM

Open Practice

Pricing: $31 or Reformer Pack

Eclipse weekend "Pop Up"

Join us for Open Reformer Practice.

You must have at least one year or a regular Reformer practice to attend. There will be no formal instruction during this class. Bring your questions about particular exercises. Improve your form or get more insight to help you better understand teacher cues or do your own practice under Supervision.

Men's Reformer (Father's Day)

Sunday, June 16th | 3:00-4:00PM

Instructor: Lee

Pricing: $31 or Reformer Pack

Pilates was started by a MAN named Joseph Pilates. Originally the practice was called “Contrology”. He defined Contrology as “the comprehensive integration of body, mind, and spirit”.

This Father’s Day class is the perfect opportunity for MEN to try out a Reformer practice. Learn how the Reformer machine works and how it might compliment other exercises or training you currently do. This class will focus on strength, core power, increasing mobility, and balance. Gym exercise equipment often strengthens only the superficial muscles; Come see how the Reformer ‘wakes up’ the deeper, more intrinsic muscles in your body.

Sound Healing

Sunday, May 19th | 4:00PM

Instructor: Geri Ann

Pricing: $20 or punchcard

Experience tranquility and activate your internal healer in this calming class.

Find comfort on a cozy bolster and engage in chanting or humming vowel sounds, deepening your sense of tranquility. 

Private Sessions

Contact us to schedule

Instructor: Dependent on needs or availability


$85 (private session)

$95 (private session w/Stephanie)

$110 (duet session)

$400 (5 private sessions)

Experience the power of personalized attention at Peace of Mind Pilates. 

Our private sessions are designed to enhance your practice and bring you closer to your goals. During these one-on-one sessions, our skilled instructors will tailor the program to meet your individual needs.

Private Sound Bath Sessions

Wednesday & Sunday Afternoons

Instructor: Geri Ann

Pricing: $85

Interested in scheduling your exclusive Sound Bath Session?

Peace of Mind Pilates is delighted to present private sessions with Geri Ann Higgins, available by appointment on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons. A personalized one-on-one session provides an ideal opportunity to immerse yourself in soundwork tailored to your preferences.

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